Key Features:
- Self-contained bench-mounting unit for experiments with nine different popular temperature measuring devices, and a thermowell to show temperature lag
- Uses a platinum resistance thermometer as a reference to accurately calibrate the other devices
- Demonstrates how electrical resistance devices and thermocouples work, their characteristics and how to connect them correctly to reduce measurement errors
- Includes liquid-in-glass thermometers with safe non-toxic liquid – no mercury
- Hand-held digital thermometer for thermal infrared measurements
- Built-in water heater tank with protective guard and drain tap for safe experiments
- Built-in pressure sensor (barometer) with display of local water boiling temperature
- Works with TecQuipment’s Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS®) for simple and reliable recording and processing of results
- It includes eight different temperature measurement devices and shows their characteristics and how to calibrate them against a standard. A display shows the temperature from the reference sensor and the local (barometric) pressure from the built-in pressure sensor.
- Students add crushed ice (not supplied) to the insulated
icebox and clean water to the fully guarded water heater
tank. A carefully rated immersion heater in the tank heats the water steadily up to boiling, giving time to take accurate results - To the right of the temperature indicator strip, a window allows students to test the thermal infrared thermometer on a matt black or brushed steel surface of the heater tank. This shows limitations of infrared measurements caused by surfaces of different emissivity.
- The electronic circuits also include:
- An amplifier to increase the output of the thermocouples for more useful voltage measurement.
- Constant current and voltage sources, and a resistive bridge. These show the problems with different measurement circuits and power sources for electrical temperature measurement devices.
Learning Outcomes:
- Simulation of two, three and four wire connection of a
platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) - Constant current and voltage sources
- Calibration and linearity of temperature measurement devices and temperature lag
- Thermal infrared temperature measurement on surfaces of different emissivity
- Thermocouples in series, parallel and the Seebeck effect
- Resistance in thermocouple circuits
- Dimensions and weight: 920 mm long x 600 mm high x 500 mm front to back and 41 kg
- J and K-type thermocouples
- NTC thermistor
- PT100 platinum resistance thermometer (four wire)
- 2 x liquid in glass thermometers
- Bimetal and gas (vapour) pressure thermometers
- Liquid crystal temperature indicator strip (for reference only)
- Hand-held infrared thermometer
For details see the catalog below: