Key Features:
- A cost-effective solution when compared to full-scale wind tunnels or airborne laboratories
- Operates at meaningful Reynolds numbers
- Safe, open-circuit suction design
- Package includes three-component balance, angle feedback unit, dual differential pressure display, 32-way pressure display unit, 2 x Pitot static traverse, protractor, model holder and data acquisition (VDAS-F)
- High levels of safety
- Controls and instrumentation conveniently mount on a separate, free-standing frame
- Air passes into the AF1600 through a honeycomb flow straightener and a grille. It then passes into an aerodynamically designed eff user (cone) that accelerates the air in a linear manner before it moves through the working section.
- Finally it passes through a diffuser, then into the variable speed axial fan. The grille protects the fan from damage by loose objects. The air leaves the fan, passes through a silencer unit and then back out to atmosphere.
- The speed of the axial fan (and therefore the air velocity in the working section) is controlled by an electronic drive control in the separate On/Off unit mounted on the tunnel’s associated instrument frame along with other ancillaries.
Learning Outcomes:
- Flow past bluff and streamlined bodies with pressure and velocity observations in the wake
- Investigations into boundary layer development
- Influence of aspect ratio on aerofoil performance
- Pressure distribution around a cylinder under sub and super-critical flow conditions
- Study of characteristics of models involving basic measurement of lift and drag forces
- Study of the characteristics of three-dimensional aerofoils involving measurements of lift, drag and pitching moment
- Study of the pressure distribution around an aerofoil model to derive the lift, and comparison with direct measurements of lift
- Drag force on a bluff body normal to an air flow
- Flow visualisation
- Dimensions: 6590 mm x 1430 mm x 2060 mm height;
- Weight: 900 kg
- Space needed: Solid, level floor – allow at least 2 m of free space around the inlet and 4 m at the outlet.
- Working section: 450 mm x 450 mm
- Recommended Minimum Room Size: 13 m x 5 m
- Air velocity: 0 to 35 m.s–1
- Electrical supply (three-phase): 380 VAC to 440 VAC 50 Hz/60 Hz 10 kW
- Operating temperature range: +5°C to +40°C
For details see the catalog below: