Product code: PEK-520

    Power converter utilizing digital control is the development trend of the present industrial products. Digital control can elevate the function and performance of power converter to increase product’s added value. More and more power converters are using the digital control technology. The objective of this course kit is to provide a learning platform for power converter using digital control. Users, via PSIM software and simulation, learn the principle, analysis and design of power converter.

    Furthermore, the SimCoder tool of PSIM can be used to convert control circuit to digital control program as well as to operate a second simulation for circuit, which will be replaced by DSP. Finally, control program, via simulation verification, can be burned into DSP chip. DSP, via control and communications, verifies the correctness of designed circuit and controller.

    PEK-520 is the development module of PMSG Wind Inverter, aiming at the training of circuit analysis, design, simulation and experiment for researchers to conduct problem-oriented learning. The quantitative design of power circuit and controller is based upon converter’s specifications. Users can further understand the related technology of PMSG Wind Inverter through PSIM simulation verification and SimCoder programming processes.

    With the comprehensive capabilities of realizing simulation, design, hardware circuit, PSIM is simulated software specifically designed for systems such as power electronics, motor driver and power conversion. PSIM features comprehensive functions, complete components, fast simulation, accurate simulation results and easy to use, and this software is often used by the international academics and industries for education and research.

    The experiments with PEK-520:

    • Experiment 1: Three Phase Stand-alone Inverter
      To get to know the principle of three phase SPWM and SVPWM. Realize the measurements of voltage and current via PEK-520-2 module, and learn the TI F28335 DSP IC pins, PWM and A/D hardware setting. Also understand how to proceed to DSP internal signal control and measurement via RS-232.
    • Experiment 2: Three Phase Grid-connected Inverter
      To get to know the fundamental with structure of three phase grid-connected inverter, and learn not only the design method of phase-lock loop for three phase grid-connected inverter, but the design of both voltage loop and current loop controllers as well, further proceeding to the code programming via SimCoder, after well mapping out the grid-connected inverter.
    • Experiment 3: Speed and Torque Control of PMSM
      To get to know the fundamental of PMSM, encoder, calculation of speed, vector control theory as well as controller design for current and speed. To learn the way to establish circuit in simulation and proceed to the code programming via SimCoder, after well mapping out the DSP digital control circuit.
    • Experiment 4: Speed Control of PMSG
      To get to know the fundamental of PMSG, vector control theory as well as controller design for current and speed. To learn the way to establish circuit in simulation and proceed to the code programming via SimCoder, after well mapping out the DSP digital control circuit.
    • Experiment 5: Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) Emulation
      To get to know the fundamental of WTG and establish WTG model, further learning the way to simulate fundamental of WTG via motor and not only setting up the circuit in simulation of WTG simulation system, but proceeding to simulation as well. Finally, to map out the WTG simulation system via DSP digital control circuit.
    • Experiment 6: Maximum Power Point Tracking of WTG
      WTG generates differed power curves in accordance with different wind speeds. In order to better take advantage of wind power, work point, in accord with wind speeds, is supposed to be altered for keeping it at the highest level of power curve, which is known as Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT). This experiment locates MPP curve, based on the attributes of wind turbine, and further design MPPT controller on the basis of MPP curve, fulfilling it through DSP digital control circuit.
    • Experiment 7: Grid-connected PMSG Wind Power Generation System
      Integrate MPPT generator actuator, grid-connected inverter with wind turbine simulator to establish circuit in simulation of integrated system and to proceed to full system verification in simulation.
    • Experiment 8: Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) of PMSG WTG System
      To learn the requirements of both frequency operation and reactive power by grid- connected power to WTG and to understand the requirement of adaptation by WTG to grid-connected voltage. To learn the Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) method of PMSG WTG and establish DSP digital control programming of LVRT and to verify LVRT function via experiment.


    PEK-520 PMSG Wind Inverter

    PMSM Inverter (PEK-520_1)

    Description Symbol Min Typ Max Unit
    DC Input Voltage V in 130 140 150 V
    Current I in 2.6 A
    AC Output Voltage V L_L 45 65 V
    Current I out 3 A
    Power P out 300 W
    Dimensions ( L x W x H) 310mm x 190 mm x 110 mm
    Weight Approx 2kg

    OMSG Converter + Grid connected Inverter (PEK-520_2)

    Description Symbol Min Typ Max Unit
    AC Input Voltage V L_L 45 65 V
    Current I out 0 3 A
    DC Output Voltage V out 90 100 110 V
    Current I out 3 A
    Power P out 270 W
    AC Output Voltage V L_L 50 V
    Current I out 0 2.9 A
    Power P out 250 W
    Dimensions ( L x W x H) 310mm x 270 mm x 110 mm
    Weight Approx 2.5 kg
    Motor specification  Delta (EMCAC30604PS) (3 Phase AC 0.4KW)


    More details Datasheet