
Product code: PCI-9524

    Transducer Inputs for precise measurement

    • 4-CH full-bridge load cell transducer inputs
    • Accuracy up to 1/200,000 counts at full-scale
    • Sensitivity from 1.0 mV/V to 4.0 mV/V
    • 2.5/10 VDC excitation voltage, software selectable
    • Internal 24-bit A/D resolution

    Motion control interface for stepper and hydraulic system control

    • 3-axis PWM output with OUT/DIR and CW/CCW mode
    • 2-CH 16-bit analog outputs
    • A-B phase encoder input with 24-bit counter

    General-Purpose Analog Inputs for accurate measurements of LVDT1 and linear wire potentiometer signals

    • 4-CH analog input with 24-bit resolution
    • Programmable gains of ±1.25 V, ±2.5 V, ±5 V, ±10 V
    • Up to 30 kS/s sampling rate (single channel)


    4-channel Load Cell Transducer Input

    Excitation voltage: 2.5 V/10 VDC

    Internal A/D resolution: 24-bit

    Update speed when Auto-zero Disabled

    • Up to 30 KSPS (single channel)
    • Up to 1,638 SPS (multi-channel)

    Update speed when Auto-zero Enabled

    • Up to 819 SPS (single channel or multi-channel)

    Transducer sensitivity: 1.0 mV/V to 4.0 mV/V

    Number of channels: 4

    Accuracy: 1/200000 of full scale (with remote sense & auto zero enabled)

    Onboard 256 samples A/D FIFO

    PWM Output & Encoder Input

    Number of axis: 3

    Pulse output options: OUT/DIR and CW/CCW (26LS31, differential line driver, driving current: up to 20 mA)

    Maximum output frequency: 500 kHz

    Encoder Input: 24-bit up/down counter for incremental encoder feedback

    General Purpose Analog Input

    Resolution: 24-bit

    Programmable range: ±1.25 V, ±2.5 V, ±5 V, ±10 V

    Number of channels: 4

    Sampling rate: 30 kS/s (non-multiplexing)

    Onboard 256 samples A/D FIFO

    Isolated Digital Input

    Number of channels: 8

    Maximum input range (non-polarity): 0 V to 24 V

    Input resistance: 2.7 KΩ

    Isolated Digital Output

    Number of channels: 8

    Output type: Power MOSFET

    Sink current: Up to 300 mA/channel

    Analog Output

    Resolution: 16-bit

    Output range: ±10 V

    Number of channels: 2

    Update rate: Up to 5 kS/s

    Onboard 1 K samples D/A FIFO

    Driving capability: 5 mA

    Hardware Timer Interrupt

    Base clock: 10 MHz

    Resolution: 32-bit

    Interrupt Frequency: 10 MHz/N ; N=1~(232-1)

    General Specifications

    5V power output current:

    • ISO5VDD: max. 160 mA
    • ISOPWR: max. 16 mA

    I/O connector: Two 68-pin SCSI-VHDCI female

    Operation Temperature: 0 to 45˚C

    Power requirements: 5 V @ 2 A

    Dimensions (not including connectors): 156 mm x 116 mm (6.14″ x 4.57″)
